Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 1 in Atlanta!

Tuesday we went to the Golden Corral for brunch. What a huge selection of good food! Our waitress was the perfect example of southern hospitality. She really made me feel welcomed to be in Georgia.

Next, we headed for The King Center in the Sweet Auburn district of Atlanta. What an amazing experience! I recommend everyone to visit at least once in their lives. From the moment I walked down the pathway with famous Civil Rights activists' footprints in the ground I had goosebumps. Those didn't go away until we left the site later in the day. The King Center had exhibits and a short film about young people and the Civil Rights Movement. There was one child with his mom who saw the pictures of the KKK. His mother told him about who they were and how they didn't like black people. The little boy did not understand. He kept asking questions like Why not? Did we do something bad? Hearing this innocent little boy's questions really impacted to me. It really made me reflect on issues involving the Civil Rights. I am so thankful for Martin Luther King Jr. and all involved in the Civil Rights Movement, as well as all the people who continue his legacy and vision today.

The end of the video stated MLK's favorite quote and question, what are we doing for others? Hearing this really inspired me and excited me for all the work and passion I have for service at my site and in general. I am so excited to start our service today at Hosea for the Homeless, I'll blog about that later.

After an eye opening tour of MLK's birth home, we visited MOrehouse and SPelman. It was cool to see other campuses and made me appreciate our beautiful campus at TCNJ.

For dinner, we went to Justin's Restuarant, which is P Diddy's restaurant. It was amazing! We got to meet up with John and had a wonderful meal and time together filled with laughing and reflecting too!

Until later, Dana

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